On some Passions of the Characters in Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet” (a Semiotic Prospective)


  • Bujar Hoxha South-East European University, Tetovo and Skopje, Macedonia




passions, semiotics, modalities, epistemological, action


The aim of the present paper shall be to analyze determined semantic taxonomies of the main characters in Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet”. The focus shall be on rendering characters’ actions passionate, due to a semiotics of action, as described in Greimas and Fontanille (1993). To my opinion, universal themes such as love, hatred, death, etc. can be subject to a passionate configuration of different characters perspective in action. This shall also be due to the recent definition of semiotics as a cognitive science on meaning interpretation. In conclusion, characters’ passions resulting as final semantic entities shall give this study an empirical account for at least two reasons: first to argument semiotics’ importance of artistic expressivity and second, to argument semiotics’ epistemological significance besides its ontological one. “The signs’ way” as Deely (2009) states, gives us the possibility of treating each character’s perspective separately, thus rendering the signification process for each sign taken as an example separately.




How to Cite

On some Passions of the Characters in Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet” (a Semiotic Prospective). (2017). European Journal of Language and Literature, 3(1), 129-134. https://doi.org/10.26417/ejls.v7i1.p129-134