Mobbing/Bullying Behaviour and Mental Health Difficulties of a Victim of Mobbing


  • Małgorzata Dobrowolska Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice, Poland, University College of Social Sciences and Philologies
  • Bernadetta Izydorczyk Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland, Faculty of Management and Social Communication Institute of Applied Psychology


mobbing, mental health, case study


 The paper provides the theoretical background of mobbying/bullying and description of a case study concerning a victim of mobbing. In conclusion, reflections concerning counteracting of bullying are provided. Each work environment, regardless the form of employment or the specificity of a job, creates conditions for more or less ethical behaviour. Adamiec (2013), when analyzing the problems of ethical behaviour, points out that it is not so much about the ethical behaviour but the ethical – or not ethical – situations, in which people behave in a defined way - desired or undesired one. For a person to act in ethically correct way, the conditions of an ”ethical situation” must be met. Adamiec called the first of those conditions “awareness”, the clear autotelic values – the system of axioms, which we assume to be true in our logic, and which we do not question. The second condition refers to encountering or experiencing a problem, that is a threat for autotelic values, which appear difficult or even impossible to maintain, also the way of respecting or protecting them is not completely clear or known. 


