Power of Global North vs. Global South; Environmental and Climate Change Policies of Inclusion, Inequalities, and Fragility


  • Faruk Hadzic Independent researcher, Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H)


Climate change, Environmental security, Climate Change policies, Global North, Global North, Global South, Inequities, Vulnerabilities, Inclusion


The paper investigates global climate processes, i.e., policies and equity concerns between postindustrial countries in the Global North and emerging economies in the Global South. The author argues that to reduce inequalities and the environmental fragility of the Global South and increase Climate Justice, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and the costs of mitigating and adapting to climate change should be shared via more crucial policies. Moreover, the effectiveness of the principle of equalities and equities in global efforts to combat climate change will help determine climate justice within the scope and ambition of these efforts. Events and research data have clarified that no country can escape the global ecological crisis and climate change impacts. The Global North, the world's most affluent and privileged country, is responsible for around half of all emissions since the Industrial Revolution. The least developed countries, "Global South," have contributed far less to global warming. It also implies that least developed countries have had a less equal share in the direct benefits of fossil fuel use, including energy consumption. The data indicates that the poorest countries of the world, while registering the lowest industrial pollution levels, are most susceptible to the damage produced by climate change. Moreover, the initial inequities and inequalities experienced by countries of the Global South put them at a disadvantage, where they are particularly vulnerable to climate change impacts. Consequently, climate change widens existing global inequalities, undermining efforts for poverty reduction. Research estimates that the ecological crisis might drive up to 135 million people into poverty by 2030. Globally and nationally, climate change further deepens within-country inequalities by adversely affecting the poorest communities, including Indigenous and People of Colour communities, women, and children. Geopolitically, policies-wise- there is an urgent and critical need for more active inclusion of Global South actors. Rather than suffering the most from climate change, communities at the fore should be at the center of the world's fight against global warming and should be given way more space to raise their voices. The key is to ensure an appropriate geopolitical and financial focus, even budget resources through the Green Climate Fund (CCF), a Global South/North honest association, and a transformation of the Global North policies during the transition - aiming to assist the Global South and prevent the risk of violating international law and territorial and social rules. Thus, especially regarding Global South - regions and countries that will be most affected - areas with fragile general security and critical human insecurity.


