The Main Arguments: Improvement the Teachers Education


  • Keranmoy Chakma
  • Sunil Kanti Dewan



education,improvement, teacher


Methodology: Quality Assurance in Teacher Education in the Digital Age – Issue and Challenges.Contribution to the field: It is common knowledge that the quality of the work undertaken by a teacher has significant effects upon his or her students, those who pay teachers salaries- be it through taxes or through school fees- expect value for their money. Many countries have explored several avenues for measuring the quality of work of individual teachers, educational institutions and education systems. Some institutions attempted to explore the potentials of online learning and Virtual Class rooms.Energized by an affinity towards Social Constructivist principles, the field was destined to be a source of wisdom for students.But in many educational institutions, strict quality control standards and procedural norms did not exist. So it had not been possible to effectively exploit the potential of the modern general Pedagogy. The following 6 key areas strongly recommended 1 Curriculum Design - Planning 2. Curriculum Transaction - Evaluation 3.Research Development - Extension 4. Infrastructure - Learning Resources5. Student Support - Progression 6. Management




How to Cite

The Main Arguments: Improvement the Teachers Education. (2018). European Journal of Education, 1(1), 97-97.